Saturday, August 13, 2011

O'Neal's Family in Cabo on tina's birthday

Steve's in Action !!!

Last July we had the pleasant visit of our client and friend Steve O'Neal,

accommpanied by his beautiful family, they enjoyed fishing and Tina´s birthday

Hope to see them back soon !!!

Thanks Guys !!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cabo Fishing Report by Ursula's Fishing charters

Billfish: Start to get the blue, black marlin and sail fish they are already in all the areas out by the warm ocean currents, since last week we had very good reports and blue marlin catches on average around 4 per week 275lbs of weight with the exception of a blue marlin of 475 lbs.

Some black marlin has been reported by our boats in the fishing grounds known as Golden Gate and the 11.50 spot. 27 July our good friends O'Neal family went fishing in the Ursula IV boat, that day was doing a lot of wind but the purpose was to find a Roosterfish to Steve and then go offshore to look for a Marlin his father in low, since in the last two attempts were not lucky that day we sailed northwest into the wind to a place called San Jaime Bank and about 11 miles out we saw Dorado Mahi-mahi and catch 2, one small about 20lbs and other medium 30 pounds, Miguel the assistant prepare a bait to troll and switch in less than 20 minutes a sailfish, came and pulled the bait , Mr. O'Neal fought about 25 minutes with the Sailfish and we raise it for a quick photo and release it.
Then we went to the east into the wind where we had other sightings and pulled another sailfish but we lost

On July 29 Mr. Bryan Swiniarski and his friends went fishing and had a great day catching a Marlin 310 lbs and 4 Yellow fin tuna, on the same day Greg Grof on board Ursula IV caught and released two sailfish about 75 lbs , 2 Dorados (Mahi-Mahi) around 45 lbs.

We hope to have a great season of fishing for big blues.

Many schools Dorado (Mahi-Mahi) and tuna.

OTHER SPECIES: Although the rains have not come to Cabo San Lucas which benefits the group of species such as Dorado, Wahoo and Yellow fin Tuna and small fish that serve as food for them, as the rains are sometimes flowing streams and small pieces of wood brings organic matter which attracts these species.

The reports of our boats have been more than excellent reaching an average of 87% of all fishing trips these species of yellowfin tuna have been very close to the coast accompanied by dolphins with large schools of tuna by bringing some copies of respectable size, the locations of sightings have been from the old lighthouse and the hill of Cabo San Lucas about 4 to 8 miles from the coast.

Also fishing for Dorado has not been the exception to find Dorado’s out in front of the entire coastline and no more than 2 to 5 miles away, have been constant reports of excellent size and weighing about 20 to 55 pounds.

On July 21, our friend Mr. Steve O'Neal and his children and father went out fishing one more time aboard the good Ursula IV capturing two Dorado’sand 20 lbs and 35 lbs.

On July 26th Mr. Campanela went fishing aboard Ursula IV and caught 7 Yellowfin Tuna and 4 Dorados right in front of the lighthouse about 10 miles out of the coast.

August 01st the family of the state of Mexico Mr. Arturo Cortez Aboard Ursula IV had an excellent day of fishing catching a yellowfin tuna of 224 lbs fighting around 2 hours and 15 minutes definitely a good experience.

On August 3, Miss. Deidre Stoley came with two friends went fishing and capturing 2 good-sized Dorado’s.

WEATHER: Hot, humid and partly sunny. 30C °

FISHING AREAS: 2 to 5 miles out in front of old lighthouse, 95 spot, 5 to 10 miles of Chilean
Temperature of the Sea. 80 F

Lures: Trolling green with yellow, Cedar Plug, Oil, red with white feathers.

BAIT: Caballito Ballyhoos, sardines, makarel

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Great times!!

Cabo Fishing Report June 27th to 04rd July- 2011

Cabo San Lucas Fishing Report

June 27 th through July 04 , 2011

Overall Catch Success Rate 90% (all species combined

BILLFISH: Billfish catches remain steady and look to improve if the weather can ever make up its mind. Right now areas such as La Paz are baking hot, whilst the Pacific is still enjoying cool breezes. There has also been a red tide in Cabo, which despite horror stories you usually hear, has not affected offshore fishing. We have seen a lot of smaller fish wash up on the beach but no big game fish. Catches were steady to good on billfish and excellent on yellowfin tuna. Fifty nine percent of our anglers this week managed to catch between one and six marlin in a day. Top boat was “Ursula IV” the 34´ ft Cristailayner, who during the first day of the Stars and Stripes event managed to release six striped marlin and boat four tuna for Richard Makensy from san jose, California fishing with friends, just above the 95 spot, with live mackerel the ticket for the marlin whereas the tuna took cedar plugs. Earlier in the week “Ursula” also released four marlin for another group this time at the 11.50 spot. As if to prove that size doesn’t really matter, when it comes to boats, “Bucanero”, 29 ft California also released four striped marlin this same day plus three tuna

OTHER SPECIES:Yellowfin tuna was definitely the most popular catch this week with seventy seven percent of our boats catching from one to twenty two fish, all pretty much in the 15 to 40 lb class, although there was one an exception, a 180 lb’ caught 25 miles off of the Old Lighthouse on the Pacific– they caught a total of five tuna all on lures, ranging from cedar plugs, to petroleros and green type lures aboard “Ursula IV”.

Total count on tuna was 187 fish with the best catches between Land’s End and the Old Lighthouse 20 to 25 miles out. Dorado catches were slower this week with just seventeen percent of boats catching one or two fish in the 20 to 30 lb class with blue and green lures working well for this species. We had a solitary wahoo this week, weighing in at 36 lbs

WEATHER CONDITIONS: Some quite rough seas on windy days and calmer on less windy days, skies are blue and weather nice, not super hot yet.

LOCATION: 11.50 spot, 95 spot, Destiladeras, San Jaime, Cabeza de Ballena, and Cerro Blanco.


BEST LURES; bait, jurelito, caballito, green colors, cedar plugs. red/black, feathers

LIVE BAIT: caballito, ballyhoos, sardine

Olter Schcolnick

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rest in peace Lola...

With deep sorrow we extend our condolences to Captain Antonio..
for the death of his wife Lola, excellent Mother and Wife,
our hearts are with him and his family....

Kathy & Olter

Marlin Fishing in Cabo !!

We hope to start the season with warmer water that means the Marlin will be closer to our shores, Captain Ricardo reported some catches this week, last week we were lucky to eat a lot of ceviche because all boats had a good catches of Sierra,
(for me the best fish for ceviche) be positive and we welcome to the new Marlin season.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011