Weather Forecast Today: Sunny
Air Temperature: 90°F
Wind: NNW at 9 mph.
Humidity: 52%
Fishing Conditions in Cabo:
We are definitely lucky to be in Cabo San Lucas
Summer stared with excellent fishing, warm weather the most of the day and great water currents for Predominant species like Dorado Mahi-mahi, Yellow fin Tuna Striped Marlin and Start the Blue Marlin.
Our Fishing areas are located: 5 to 6 miles out from Cabo, in front to Light House and San Cristobal bank.
We had on board Ursula IV our dear guest Mike Garrett and his beautiful wife Lisa from Lubbock, TX
who send us their report :
My wife and I had a great time fishing on the Ursula IV.We caught 3 Dorados that day two of the fish were in the 40 pound range. We should have brought a cooler with us so we could carry our fish back to Texas with us. The crew on the boat was great. Roberto and Jugo worked hard making sure that we caught fish and were comfortable. The captain also made sure we got to the fishing grounds quickly. Cabo is a wonderful place. I hope maybe I can make it a permanent home someday. We are definitely looking forward to our return trip next year and hope to see you again.
Mike and LIsa GArrett
Thank you guys, remember next trip you have to try ceviche on board.
Kathy and Olter
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